START-UP Ecosystem for Designepreuners!
- Post by: admin
- September 26, 2021
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My brush with Start-Up Ecosystem was between 2003 to 2008 when I had initiated country’s first National Design Business Incubator at NID Ahmedabad Campus.I would claim the word Designepreuner was coined in that exciting period!As founding Chairman of NDBI more than Rs 10 cr was raised as rolling Venture Capital between 2005-08,which was a very satisfying effort.
It was in my view a highly futuristic and risk- laden effort.The efforts were abundantly helped by Prof Ramamurthy the then Secretary Department of Science and Technology GOI and Dr Harkesh Kumar Mittal who was spearheading the Technology Incubators in the country.To make a variation of the General Scheme of the Department to include Design as part of Technology Incubators took a lot of efforts and tweaking of the scheme.I have written about this pathbreaking initiative in my book ALL BY DESIGN and hence don’t want to repeat here.Suffice to say the inauguration of the NDBI on 15th February 2005 standout as an important milestone in my career and for NID.
So I am happy to see now the larger Eco-system of START-UPs gaining ground and in April 2021 itself more than a dozen Unicorns emerged from over 6000 startups now in two cities , Bangalore and Delhi-NCR ( I have talked about this at length in my TedTalk available on YouTube)
As Richard Florida wrote
,long back, the Startup Eco-system can flourish only if the three Ts converge : Talent, Technology and Tolerance ! Hope the Governments in power don’t kill the Golden Goose !
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